The Freight At Tristor

Posted : admin On 27.10.2019
  • The Fright at Tristor, softback Greyhawk adventure for D&D 3rd/3.5th edition, by Keith Polster “Orcish barbarians harry the northern trade routes through the cold north of the Theocracy of Pale, serving a mysterious lord known only as The Watcher.
  • A complete list of all 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons promotional adventures.
  1. The Freight At Tristor Airport
  2. The Freight At Tristor University

Laura Bakers bunny Nibbles likes Mandy much, yet Lauras noisy cousin Tom makes him anxious. Afterward that evening, Nibbles has to be very courageous whilst he will get in poor health, and is taken to Animal Ark.

Re: In Need of First Level Adventure3.5 The whole arc in Eberron, from the one in the Campaign setting to Vampire's Blade, is pretty epic. Overall though, my favorite 1st level adventure is Wreck Ashore, or an adapted version of any 1E module.

Can Mr desire discover what's wrong?.Additional resources for The Fright At Tristor (Dungeons and Dragons)Example textTall) Skills and Feats: Climb +s, Listen +I, Ride (horse) +7, Spot +l, Swim +5; Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (rapier). Possessions: Leather armor, rapier, light crossbow, IO crossbow bolts, IO gp.; AC 11; Ark +l melee (ld4/crit 19-20, dagger); AL NG, SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 11. Tall) Skills and Feats: Alchemy +lO, Concentration +6, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Spellcraft +s, Wilderness Lore +8; Brew Potion, Dodge, Toughness. Possessions: Alchemist’s lab, dagger, 22 gp.Special Quahtles: Scent (Ex): A wolverine can detect other creatures within 30 feet by sense of smell. As a partial action, it can note the direction in which the scent lies.

It can determine the exact location of any creature within 5 feet., swim 20 ft. AC: 11 (+I size) Attacks: Bite, +O melee Damage: Bite ld4-3 Face/Reach: 5 ft.

13 Nov The Fright at Tristor has 3 ratings and 1 review. Martin said: This adventure was created as part of the Living Greyhawk campaign, but it can be. RPGA the Fright at Tristor – Download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or read online. From the back cover: We die for The Watcher!

Orcish barbarians harry the northern trade routes through the cold north of the Theocracy of the Pale, serving a.Author:Maucage MezishicageCountry:AustraliaLanguage:English (Spanish)Genre:PoliticsPublished (Last):21 September 2013Pages:224PDF File Size:16.84 MbePub File Size:3.5 MbISBN:304-4-74907-365-2Downloads:82913Price:Free.Free Regsitration RequiredUploader:He has no desire to kill the PCs at this point.This title was added to our catalog on September 17, Sometimes, it crawled on all fours. Due to fear of attack, the folk of Tristor do not dispatch guards trisor the fright at tristor stockade. However, no claw marks exist inside the house, and it is obvious that the beddings were slashed with a knife.The bear overcame him, slashed at him, and was called off by Reuven.

The calf wandered into the barn after the fire. A Rumor in Wintershiven: Posted By Abstruse Yesterday, He claims he is a great shaman, though Tadda thinks he is long past insane.By the time the PCs arrive on the fright at tristor scene, the area near the gatehouse is crowded with townspeople.

The Freight At Tristor Airport

The Fright at Tristor (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Ed.)Afraid to leave the fright at tristor farmstead, the bull wanders trustor wheat fields, waiting for its fear and rage to subside. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. He thinks a bear is responsible for the animal deaths but will not willingly provide the heroes with that information. As a partial action, she can note the direction in which the scent lies.She is a kind woman, the fright at tristor is thankful for the presence of the PCs. Sheaves is investigating the deaths of the animals in the area and has elected to do his work at night when all the mutilations supposedly occurred. Those who follow the entire trail may continue to the next encounter, Exit Jagadis.

The recent animal mutilations around Tristor have troubled her greatly, as she sees it as her part to assist the local wild animals. Ashes of the Sea.

Th necks of these creatures have been savagely mutilated. A successful use of the Track feat DC 14 reveals that the bear and human tracks continue, this time to the fright at tristor trietor, in the direction ofTristor. Human tracks, possibly belonging to the The fright at tristor, are present, as well as strange marks that suggest something heavy was dragged from just outside the house to a line of trees nearby. The Fright at Tristor by Keith Polsterthe fright at tristor These superstitious arcs are a scouting party from the larger camp in the Troll Fens. Any resident ofTristor can identify the Burrens as a human farming family who own land southeast of the city, The Burrens harvest wheat, but specialize in beef cattle. He certified that all of the hanged Rhennee had died, and helped to bury them in an unmarked mass grave beneath the old hanging tree.Reuven lives in this cave under the assumed guise of the trapper, Hosk.

The Freight At Tristor University

Near the Triwtor Fens, the heroes frightt a chance to save an innocent girl from another bear, and discover an orcish encampment.In fact, the entire barn collapses one minute after the the fright at tristor has been moved, dealing 2d6 points of damage to all xt as above.the fright at tristor If he could get along with making only horseshoes, he would. The old man does his best against the beast, but deep, bloody wounds to his chest suggest he may not last long. A detachment of Knights Templar was dispatched from the capital about a month ago to put an end to the orcish threat. If the PCs agree to stay the night, continue to the next section. A half dozen horses and three mules stand within the fence. So let’s go, cats and kittens! At last the hamlet of Tristor comes into view.In order to stave off an attack, Burren and his wife stay awake in shifts, watching the animals in the pen.

FreightThe fright at tristor free

SFinney Goodbarrel, male halfling Rogl: Anyone caught violating this edict will be found guilty the fright at tristor treason and tristo.Very old and nearly blind, it attacks by sense of smell.The guards confiscate the orcish map recovered at the Aramis farmstead, and any religious paraphernalia holy symbols, religious tracts, etc. An elderly man stands between beast and wagon, attempting to the fright at tristor the creature off with a pitchfork. In Eberron, the Silver Flame would be an obvious replacement for the worship of Pholtus the Theocracy’s deity of choice. Official Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: A simple man, Muyah knows little of the problems outside the village walls.Tristor is not far from the Duchy of Tenh, a once-proud nation now little more than a the fright at tristor battleground between forces intent upon claiming it as their own.Greataxe, javelins 2scale mail, 2d6 gp. Due to the large number of combatants, most parties will have a difficult time with a straightforward attack of the camp.

The dishonorable lout is not interested in challenges or the like, but he fights back if attacked.