Go For Police Should Not Interfear In Civil Matters

Posted : admin On 18.09.2019

I would question what ‘conventional warfare’ is these days? It seems by and large guerrilla-tactics and insurgencies of groups (often labelled ‘terrorists’) against nations. It is rare that one finds two countries directly going to war – there are more subtle and debilitating methods countries use to cripple each other. There is a blurring of the boundaries between internal/external security, which in itself is an artificial bureaucratic separation, and not one that actually operates in practice. This means that the role of the army in wars and battles needs to be re-thought. It also means that the army does become more explicitly political.

Police officers should not usurp judicial functions of adjudication or to summon and force persons to resolve their inter-se civil disputes in a particular manner under the guise of ‘family. Officers generally do not become actively involved in civil disputes, as they are not empowered by state statute to do so. These incidents are best dealt with by contacting a private attorney or the courthouse. However, do not hesitate to call for an officer in any situation if unsure, as he/she may recommend some options available to you. Nov 19, 2008  Can a police officer interfear in a civil matter? - Answered by a verified Family Lawyer. How will it play out if one of the three children refuses to go back with her mother and I do not force her to go?Obviously the police will be called to try to settle the domestic dispute.

A bit surprized as to why there is no mention or focus on the significance of India’s “para-military forces” here. The very origin of para-military forces stems from the “blur” or “fuzziness” that arose between the internal and external security issues/threats. The para-military forces are supposed to be the link between the police and army, an “enabling” force that faciliates the working of both these supposedly “ring-fenced” forces; the police and army.Well, unfortunately, everything looks good on paper, when assessing the domain of these three types of forces, but, in practice nothing works right. Primarily, a lack of governement initiative to invest heavily in the specific requirements of each of these three types of forces and secondly the level of dishonesty that starts with a maxima from the domain of police force and ends with a minima at the military. Vipul:@Does the army’s involvement in internal security duties make it vulnerable to politicisation?–Yes, overuse can make them vulnerable to politicisation.


Also Army will lose its value as a last line of defense. Paramlitary forces should be trained for this. There is nothing like local police if it is modernised-modern weapons, training SWAT teams. It mixes well with the local population and from the POV of collecting intelligenece, local police is useful. Atmy can be use sledgehammer but effective police has much more advantages over army in dealing with such situations. But Army should be ready for the call by Police if needed for short operations, not permanent feature.There is no doubt that Indian Army has done so well and saving the nation. The army deserves respect and thanks for their organization and dedication.


During a calamity the military distributes food (including milk for babies), water, medicines. They rescue affected people from death, work as nurses, and doctors. They unhesitatingly collect decomposed dead bodies and either bury or cremate them.But the military is not trained to act as officers for maintaining administrative structures and delivering social services. Police officers are more accessible to the common people, who are scared to contact military officers.

Interned citizens in the military barracks die oftener than those interned in “thana” lock ups. The military officers or jawans are not answerable to the judicial magistrates. The role, which the military (the “swadeshi” military is hardly different from that of the raj)played during 1942 movement in Medinipur of Bengal, still sends shivers down the spines.The roles of military and the civilian police must be rigidly separate in the administration of India. The creation of the well armed paramilitary forces are unfortunately obliterating the difference. One of the strongest features of Indian democracy is non-interference of the armed forces in the internal matters of the country. This trend is reversing due to two reasons – incompetence of our police forces and blurring of difference between conventional warfare and guerrilla style terrorist attacks. Engagement of armed forces in the internal security matters can not be ruled out in the forthcoming days.

Police forces also needs to be trained to cope with situations like disaster management etc. The armed forces and the executive have been in sync for all these years, neither interfering in the other’s realm of operations, but as the army gets more and more involved in the day to day policing, which falls under the state’s jurisdiction, not only are the army’s morale lowered, their operational readiness reduced, their budgets stretched, but it also increases their influences in the day to day running of the country. We have come long way as a mature democracy.But still our policing is primitive and functions typically as where during raj days,more for a ceremonial or guarding politicians.Even though we got a world class recruitment in the way of indian police service,only best can be selected ofcourse other selection procedures could not be as good as this.if the police is not modernised or given the maturity and training it calls for,and depend on military for every thing.I think this can spell doom for us. Since the future war fare could be more sophisticated in all the fronts including nuclear,and calls for extensive training,exercise etc.I think army should be carrying out the objective they are being raised.Police should be held responsible for internal security even tackling terrorism and army for external incursion.only clarifying these responsibility would ensure they are held responsible for any lapses. Vipul:@Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah favours the strategy of letting the local police maintain law and order in the state.”-Given the history of blooshed, hatred, the situation is tricky In J&K there as far as policing is concerned. In any terrorist hit state, a weak and vulnerable local police or worse having chocolate/water relationship with terrorists, will do a great damage to the state. A strong background check and required measures are needed to ensure that terrorists or their sympathizers do not end up policing the state.

I believe the army does deserve respect. Even though most Kashmiris would side with Pakistan who is providing covert attacks via terrorists across the LoC. This army is the same one that provides protection against covert attacks when the same India-hating-Kashmiris take a bus across the LoC.I once read that after a Srinigar riot was over a Muslim man was buying milk. However, a policeman prevented him from doing so. The policeman told the man that if he wanted milk he can go and get it from the Pakistan that he supports and loves. So we provide Kashmir with infastructure (rail, roads and airport) and food and they spit on with venomous hatred.

If J&K ever ends up with Pakistan, I for one will go to J&K and tear up every pice of road and rail. I will even destroy the airport. If they want Pakistan they can have Pakistan provide them with infastructure.I do not believe for one second that the Kashmiris want independence and be self sufficient. They will become proud beggers of a Begger State with Taliban Sharia. They certainly cannot live off tourism because that is seasonal.Could you imagine a Winter Olympics held in Kashmir. Indian Army is million strong and should be gainfully utilized.

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It may be prudent to keep half the army operational and other half be used for security duties – in specific areas. The army officers should be deputed to police postings.The babus have successfully down graded the armed forces during the last 60 years and senior armed forces officers have contributed to the rest of rot. NO one is concerned about the uniformed soldiers & the junior officers. In US nobody, not even the President can utter a word against the forces; every babu, suitwala (poiliticians wear suits in US) have to go out of their way to show respect to soldies.In India babus, dhotiwalas & lungiwalas have systematically harmed the soldier’s prestige.

Once Army begins to play a pro-active role; they will be more productive & will earn respect; and have more say in the country’s course. Paramilitary forces are raised as a buffer between the army and police but nowadays the story has changed paramilitary forces have become a puppet in the hands of local administration and police.they are being under estimated or rather exploited. They (cpmf) have been trained to deal all situations wherein the local police fails.we are losing our faith in cpmfs, we should not forget if a parmilitary can save the sanctity of the indian parliament- the representative of the largest democracy, then the can handle all other situations also.they are doing great job in naxal affected areas but the need is that their job should be recognised. They should b given all the benefits which army is entitled for. Afterall they are sacrificing their lives for the same nation for whish a armyman dies.

Without any second thought, I would vote for ‘POLICE’. India is a huge democracy and we as Indians should respect the people who are administrating us.

Lets be very honest, most of us who have voted for Army probably have had a quarrel with a policeman, and we as the so called intelectual indians have a tendency of believing that the grass on the other side is greener therefore, we have voted for army not realising the repurcussions that might arise when a massive group of higly untrained people who lack the common element of communication with local people and have no accountability start administrating us. Army is supposed to be at the border of our country and please for God sake let it do its designated work.Let me tell you people, its true that most of the civil servants of India are highly corroupt but let us not forget the fact that its because of those sophisticated brains that we are able to enjoy a safe environment in our country and depriving them of their own duties which I personal believe have been quite successful till now and is improving each day is nothing but a clear display of injustice. The duty of maintaing the law and order is of indian police internally and of indian army at borders.but the face of mixed terrorism has created a bit of confusion.

The army trained terrorist who r successful in entering the indian premises by a well connected nexus of indian criminals and the terrorists than it actually become tough for the local police to handle the situation.then the help of army officers should be taken. We should not make it a conflictory situation.it s a fact that the army field works and techniques r much deadlier,disastrous than indian police as police first gain the information about the hide outs than charge them.contrary army act like a war and sweeps off everybody who comes in the way.so the role of army s vital and it should b used n the toughest time faced by the country.role of indian army hould b in the local regions when the senior police officers have suggested for the indian army.

With the US human rights report denouncing New Delhi over alleged violations including the Vyapam scam and encounter killing of eight suspected SIMI activists in Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday said America should not interfere in India?s internal matters.BJP leader and Madhya Pradesh Minister Vishwas Sarang said the people in the Congress backing this report are no less than traitor.?Trump and America should not interfere in our internal matters. Any state government of our country does not need any kind of certificate from Trump and America. America and Trump should not forget this fact that even they could not resist the 9/11 terror attacks. They should not comment upon us.

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We are very much able to secure our states and country,? He told ANI.Sarang further said the Congress leaders making an issue out of it are acting like a traitor, adding this is against national interest.?What, where and how corruption took place this is our internal matter and to publicize this on international level for mere political rivalry is not right,?