Victory Ii Class Frigate

Posted : admin On 17.09.2019

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  1. Victory Ii Class Frigate Size
  2. Brooke Class Frigate

The Krivak class, Soviet designation Project 1135 Burevestnik (storm petrel), were series of frigates and guard ships (patrol boats) built in the Soviet Union primarily for the Soviet Navy since 1970. Later some sub-branch, like the Nerey was designed for coastal patrol by the KGB Border Troops. Until 1977, the class was considered as a big anti-submarine ships.


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I was actually thinking about this a few days ago, so it's nice to be able to share my thoughts!Well, first thing's first, it's actually kinda nice to have a prolonged chase sequence, because not all naval combat is straight up shooting at each other. You unloaded quite a bit of questions, so let me try and answer them one at a time.with only 4 fighters launchedThis is definitely one of the biggest questions a lot of people have this with this 'battle' and it's a perfectly understandable one. In hindsight, launching a swarm of fighters would have easily won the day, but the key word there is 'in hindsight'. In order to answer 'why did this leader/faction make this tactical/strategic decision' we need to put ourselves in the mindset of the leader/faction at the time the decision was made, so let's try and put ourselves in Hux's, at least the First Order's, shoes.You have a very large fleet consisting of 30 Resurgent Class Star Destroyers and the Supremacy.

You've caught the Resistance with their pants down, and from what you know of these Resistance ships, a few volleys from the Supremacy's powerful turbolasers should be enough to obliterate these ships to dust. So, that's exactly what you do. You simply open fire with the Supremacy and wait for the Resistance to burn down in front of your very eyes.' Why not launch fighters?' Because there's no need to. There are a few things you have to remember here.The first is that fighters, especially for a faction like the First Order, aren't something you can lose.

You have the numbers advantage and that's about it, so unless you want to be obliterated on the fighter game, you can't squander away any fighters.The second is that when you scramble fighters and put them out in the open, you've essentially made them vulnerable. As long as they're within the ship, they're not out in the battlefield, meaning they're much safer, so don't scramble fighters unless you're absolutely sure you're going to use them.So knowing those two things, why would you, as a tactician, scramble fighters when a few shots from the Supremacy would do the trick? Don't take unnecessary risks, they'll usually give an enemy like the Resistance the upper hand.' But then why did Kylo and those other 3 fighters launch?' Because Kylo Ren is unbelievably angry and wants to destroy as much of the Resistance himself as he can.


He brings the other 3 as wing men.Now, going back to the whole 'you open fire with the Supremacy' thing, that, as far as you know, should obliterate the Resistance fleet. However, what you weren't accounting for, was the experimental shield deflectors on board the Ninka, the Anodyne, and the Raddus. They're actually strong enough to withstand the Supremacy's awesome firepower and get away.

The only Resistance ship that wasn't equipped with these experimental shields was the Vigil, which, as we see in the movie, is obliterated by the Supremacy after only a few shots. This is unexpected, but it's also too late to launch fighters. TIEs would normally be good enough to take down these ships, but as Hux himself says after Kylo's wingman takes out the bridge, 'The Resistance fleet is too far out of range, we can't cover you at this distance.'

Kylo himself had to fall back. Without other capital ships to hammer down on the enemy, the Resistance can just focus all gunners on point defense and knock down any swarm of TIEs that come their way. They need to get closer if they want to use fighters, just like they need to get closer to actually have their turbolasers become bombersI went over this in the above wall of text (sorry about writing so much, it's hard for me to condense this stuff.)no tractor beamsThis is harder to explain, because it points at a problem across all of Star Wars, and that's the lack of tractor beams then they could usually solve a problem. Why didn't the Finalizer just use a tractor beam on the TIE fighter that Finn and Poe steal? Why didn't the Devastator just tractor beam the Tantive before disabling it?

When these kinds of problems arise, I usually find the answer is the simplest: tractor beams aren't that strong or easy to use. Most likely, you have to aim them manually, just like a gun emplacement, and be very precise. It also seems that if the target is any bigger than a freighter, a tractor beam won't work. It'll, at most, slow down corvettes, and have no effect on anything larger, unless they're not moving. Again, sorry I can't offer a more convincing solution here, but it's a problem that I think has existed for a long time in Star Wars. Maybe someone else here has a better answer?no ion cannonsI assume during the actual chase itself they were just as ineffective as the turbolasers, but if you mean during the little bit of bombarding before the Resistance fleet gets out of range, then the best answer is they were probably weaker than the Supremacy's powerful turbolasers, or maybe the Supremacy is using them but the bolts just look very similar to the turbo laser bolts?

Regardless, while ion cannons are better than turbolasers at taking down shields, this is another case of 'I don't need to use them, let's just obliterate them with these giant cannons we have.' But that leads me to another question I've actually had for a while, and that's concerning colors of blaster bolts. Some blasters fire red bolts, other fire green. We accept that blue is an ion color, but why do some pistols, cannons, and turbolasers fire red and green bolts? Is there a difference?

Victory Ii Class Frigate Size

Are they dyed? Do they come from different sources? A question that hopefully someone can answer for me, but I've yet to find an answer myself.those weird arcing plasma blobsTo be honest, this is just Star Wars ignoring physics again, just like how we can't hear things in space. If you want, you could come up with a crazy convoluted excuse, like they did with being able to hear things in space, but the real answer is just 'it looks cool, so let's add it in!' As is with a lot of things in Star WarsThanks for asking me about this, I had a lot of fun writing about it!. This is a super long post but was a good read.

For example, fighters don't penetrate shields in Rogue One when a massive swarm of TIEs fires on the bridge of the mon cal ship above Scarif. Yet in TLJ it does.This is because of those experimental shields I was talking about. Those experimental shields are MUCH stronger than normal shields, but the downside is they leave your ship vulnerable to fighters. In the Rogue One novelization, those TIEs alone were actually beating down pretty hard on the Profundity, but, according to Raddus, a single MC75 cruiser's point defense is enough to take out that swarm.

Raddus is a genius military tactician, so I'm sure we can trust his word on that one. If a single MC75 cruiser can repel that giant swarm of TIES, I feel pretty confident in the Resistance fleet's ability to repel whatever number of TIEs the First Order can send out. Is it your position that merely 12 point defense cannons can repel over 2,000 fighters?If a single outdated Mon Calamari cruiser can take out dozens, if not hundreds of TIE fighters, then I feel pretty safe in the ability of a warship, an anti-fighter corvette, and a combat frigate all equipped with advanced shields's abilities to take out as many TIEs as you want to throw at them.Can they repel bombers that are launching torpedoes while out of point defense range?If they're within the shield bubble, they're in range of point defense.

If they're not, those torpedoes won't do a thing to those shields. If a constant barrage of the Supremacy's guns at the beginning of the engagement aren't enough to bring down the shields of even the corvette, I seriously doubt those torpedoes will be able to bring down the shields of the Raddus.Remember, experimental shields.Btw, did you see my reply to your post?; )Nope, tried looking for it but couldn't seem to find it. Mind sending it to me as a PM or maybe replying to this message with it?. If a single outdated Mon Calamari cruiser can take out dozens, if not hundreds of TIE fighters, then I feel pretty safe in the ability of a warship, an anti-fighter corvette, and a combat frigate all equipped with advanced shields's abilities to take out as many TIEs as you want to throw at them.Ok, but we saw Kylo and 3 wingmen attack the Raddus and only one of the 4 was taken out. And it was taken out by an escort, not the Raddus. If the Raddus could really repel hundreds or thousands of fighters, why couldn't they kill Kylo and all 3 of his TIE's, immediately?If they're within the shield bubble, they're in range of point defense.

If they're not, those torpedoes won't do a thing to those shields.So these magical shields can repel any number of strikes from torpedos or the Supremacy's cannons? If that's the case, why are they concentrating the shields to the rear, leaving the front exposed? If the shield could never be penetrated, why bother doubling down on one end or another? All bombers would have to do is fly ahead of the Raddus and launch targeted volleys at the front of the ship.If a constant barrage of the Supremacy's guns at the beginning of the engagement aren't enough to bring down the shields of even the corvette, I seriously doubt those torpedoes will be able to bring down the shields of the Raddus.It's not fair to call it a constant barrage at all. All 12 escort ships are holding their fire, and not launching missiles either(as we saw they have in TFA). The Supremacy's attack seems extremely relaxed compared to the Devastator's attacks in R1 when it ambushes the Rebel fleet.Remember, experimental shields.Any canon source for these shields stopping any and everything? If the shields can stop any attack and the 12 point defense cannons can stop thousands of swarming TIE's, why bother running at all?

From how you've described them it seems like the Raddus is invulnerable. Every SW space source I know of, from games to comics to books, shows that torpedoes will weaken shields with repeated hits. An unchecked bombing run will eventually overwhelm a capital ship's shields. See: the beginning of the TLJ, why did those bombs have an effect?

Are these experimental shields more powerful than the brute force of the shields of a ship 4-5 times the size of the Raddus?Nope, tried looking for it but couldn't seem to find it. Mind sending it to me as a PM or maybe replying to this message with it?No problem, it's here:. Ok, but we saw Kylo and 3 wingmen attack the Raddus and only one of the 4 was taken out. And it was taken out by an escort, not the Raddus. If the Raddus could really repel hundreds or thousands of fighters, why couldn't they kill Kylo and all 3 of his TIE's, immediately?Actually, all 3 of his wingmen are taken out. Kylo's an amazing pilot, so it's understandable that they would have trouble taking him out specifically, but they were more concentrated on getting out of range of the Supremacy and not shooting down 4 TIE fighters as quickly as possible.So these magical shields can repel any number of strikes from torpedos or the Supremacy's cannons?

If that's the case, why are they concentrating the shields to the rear, leaving the front exposed? If the shield could never be penetrated, why bother doubling down on one end or another? All bombers would have to do is fly ahead of the Raddus and launch targeted volleys at the front of the ship.I never said they could rebel any number of strikes nor that the shields are impregnable, only that if the Supremacy's amazing firepower can't breach the shields of a tiny corvette, how do you expect bombers to be able to breach the Raddus'? With a longer bombardment from the Supremacy's weapons, I'm sure the shields could be breached, but it'd take even longer for bombers, whose torpedoes are only a fraction of the Supremacy's heavy turbolaser's firepower.Also, if the bombers moved to the front of the Raddus, all the Raddus would have to do is angle shields to the front, which would no loner be vulnerable. There's no reason to have them angled.

Some twenty-five vessels currently make up the Type 054A frigate warship class of the modern Chinese Navy ('People's Liberation Army Navy'). The vessel class is known to NATO as the 'Jiangkai II' and entered service during 2008.

Brooke Class Frigate

The group, succeeding the pair of Type 054 frigates introduced in 2005, also includes the Type 054A+ and Type 054B subclasses.The Type 054A is an improvement of the preceding Type 054 ships in that air defense capabilities have been broadened and more potent armament and processing systems installed. The Chinese are advancing their warships as they learn and bringing their capabilities more in line with those of the West. These particular warships are considered 'multi-mission' platforms with no single designated role in the Chinese Navy - they can operate independently or as part of larger, farther-reaching fleet actions as necessary and can counter most any at-sea threat thanks to their large stable of systems and weaponry.The related Type 054A+ is considered an improvement on the Type 054A design and these ships are represented from the 17th Type 054A warship onward and include a new CIWS and improved sonar capabilities. An even more advanced version is planned with the pending arrival of the Type 054B subclass.The Type 054A ships displace 4,465 tons and feature an overall length of 440 feet with a beam measuring 52 feet.

Victory Ii Class Frigate

Aboard is a crew of 165 men. A single Kamov Ka-28 'Helix' or Harbin Z-9C navy helicopter can be launched and retrieved from the stern-based flight deck. A full-service hangar facility is also included in the ship's design scheme.Outwardly, the warship makes use of proven stealth qualities in that deck protrusions are kept to a minimum and radar absorbent materials are used in its construction. The main mast is enclosed in a pyramidal-style structure and the smoke funnels are of a low-profile appearance.

The deck-line running along the sides of the hull are fused as part of the superstructure which is a modern physical quality of stealthy warships in the West. The bridge superstructure is set in its usual place overlooking the bow and a single turreted deck gun emplacement. The superstructure bristles with command-and-control hardware, including radar and sensors, as well as point-defense systems. The class carries the powerful Type 382 3D Air / Surface search 3D radar suite and Type 344 radar. 4 x Type 345 radars serve in the Fire Control (FC) role. 2 x Racal RM-1290 units are used in the navigation role. There is an integrated active/passive sonar system by way of the MGK-335 installation as well as a towed array in the H/SJG-206 unit - common features to modern frigates.

Several systems are also installed as part of the Electronic Warfare (EW) component of the ship.The armament suite consists of a 32-cell Vertical Launching System (VLS) housing the HQ-16 Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM). There are 2 x C-803 anti-ship / land-attack cruise missile quadruple launchers fitted as well as 2 x 240mm Type 87 Anti-Submarine ROCket (ASROC) launchers. The vessel carries 2 x 324mm Yu-7 triple torpedo tubes and 2 x Type 726-4 18-shot decoy launchers.

More conventional weaponry includes the 76mm PJ26 series deck gun and 2 x 30mm (7-barreled) Type 730 Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWSs). Also notable is that the onboard helicopter adds an Over-the-Horizon (OtH) capability to the warship as well, broadening its reach and these systems are able to carry anti-ship / anti-submarine armament all their own. These rotary-wing elements can also serve in maritime reconnaissance and Search and Rescue (SAR) roles when needed.The Type 054A class is in active service across three major Chinese Navy fleets: the East Sea Fleet, the North Sea Fleet and the South Sea Fleet and has already seen useful deployment in anti-piracy actions in and around the Gulf of Aden region. Its export value is currently being considered with a commitment by Malaysia to purchase the type and some interest had from the Russian Navy. South Korea beat out the Chinese design in a sale to Thailand. Site content ©, All Rights Reserved.The 'Military Factory' name and logo are registered ® U.S.

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