Iso Pac Man World Ps1

Posted : admin On 18.10.2019

72 product ratings - Pac-Man World GH (Sony Playstation, 2000) 100% COMPLETE PS1 Fun Classic Pac-Man $9.99 Trending at $12.47 Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days.

That chubby yellow pellet-gobbler will not go away, and on this, his 20th anniversary, he's back with a healthy dose of nostalgia and some intriguing gameplay. Pac-Man World is a combination of classic Pac-Man, 3D Pac-Man, and some Pac-Man adventuring. In World's Pac-Man Quest, you play as Pac in a 3D platform game, knocking off enemies and spitting pellets at your old enemies Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. World also includes the classic Pac-Man game (complete with Dual Shock action) and a -maze game. It's all here, and it will definitely be an old-schoolers' paradise. OverviewIt’s Pac-Man’s 20th anniversary and all his family and pals are getting ready to throw a big bash for him.

The evil Toc-Man, however, is jealous of Pac-Man’s popularity and sends out his henchmen Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde (as well as some other unnamed ghosts) to capture all of Pac’s buddies and family and throw the party for himself instead. It’s now up to Pac-Man to save, Pac Jr., Baby Pac, Professor Pac, Pooka (yes, the one from - how’d they meet?), and Chomp-Chomp the dog from their prisons on Ghost Island then defeat the ghosts and Toc-Man. Good luck and get chomping!is the 20th Anniversary sequel to what’s generally considered the most popular coin-op arcade game of all time:. While the meat of this game is a 3D-platform style game, there is still plenty of the maze action that originally made this game so incredibly popular.

GameplayPac-Man World’s gameplay is broken up into three different parts: Quest, Mazes, and Classic. Classic allows you to play (you guessed it) the classic original version from the arcade. Maze mode allows you to play in the same style as the original game, but in many different maze scenarios that reflect the levels in the Quest mode. The various scenarios include different hazards also, such as blocking laser beams or dropping rocks in set locations. The Maze and Quest modes go hand in hand as you can find and unlock new mazes in Quest mode which then become available in Maze mode.Quest mode makes up the bulk of the game. It is played as a 3D-platform style game. Pac-Man has evolved a bit since his two-dimensional days as he can now jump, dash, swim, roll, throw dots, and butt-bounce his way through any obstacles in his path.

In addition to ghosts attacking him, there are all sorts of other baddies that change depending on the particular level that is being played. For instance, in Pirate levels you need to look out for walking skeletons whereas in space you may have electrical aliens trying to fry you. Most of these enemies are easily dispatched by a butt bounce, a dot being thrown, or by rolling into them. There are lots of items to pick up along the way such as various fruits (which will allow you access through certain fruit doors), dots, and power pills (of course), extra health or lives, the letters spelling PACMAN, and keys to free your friends and family. Grabbing these items will give you access to bonus levels and extra mazes.

The end of each level will give you some chances at extra lives by trying your hand at matching fruit on a slot machine. At the end of each level you are taken to Ghost Island; from there you can go to and play any level to which you have previously gained access. The scenarios are varied nicely and consist of Pirate, Ruins, Space, Funhouse, Factory, and a Mansion. There are three or four levels per scenario including a boss level. The boss levels are interesting, as each one is unique.

The bosses themselves are challenging, but not impossible to beat. The controls handle quite nicely. You can use the D-pad, or if using a dual-shock controller, you can use either stick to control Pac-Man. The analog allows you to walk slow or run depending on how hard it’s pressed.

I found that depending on the situation, sometimes the analog stick works better and sometimes the D-pad works better. The camera in this game strafes alongside Pac-Man for the most part. I found this makes the game easier to play than others that attempt to have the camera follow you since you can actually see what’s going on around you at any given time with the camera positioned this way. Experienced game players as well as novices should have no trouble learning how to control Pac-Man, which makes for a better all-around gameplay experience.The interface is as simple as virtually every other game out there. If you can read, you should have no problems with it at all. In some cases, though, you may need to pay attention to what button will do what action.

For instance, on the slot machine screen, I accidentally hit X instead of O to stop the slots and ended up canceling that screen altogether (effectively killing my chance at extra lives - doh!) The game allows you to save up to three separate games on your memory card. After you complete a Quest level, you will be asked if you want to save. Be sure you have at least one free block before you do this, though, as the game doesn’t allow you to delete any blocks if the card is full. GraphicsI liked ‘em a lot.

The graphics are bright and colorful. The characters have that more up-to-date, refined, 3D cartoonish look that most older cartoon characters seem to get after being around awhile. The animation is very fluid, detailed, and nice to watch. A prime example of this is watching Pac-Man butt-bounce around the screen - you can see him tumble every way possible and flail his arms around. I was impressed by this amount of detail. All the stationary objects and background objects also look nice.

By PlayStation standards, they all look pretty normal to me. There are some minor special effects in the game such as sparkling icons or laser beams. Fortunately, almost none of the graphics, foreground stuff excluded, get in the way of seeing other things on screen. Overall I found everything to be tasty eye candy. AudioThink of the original coin-op version of Pac-Man, only updated and added to. Many of the same sounds are there - eating dots, power pills, fruits, chomping ghosts, etc.

The music in the game is great and really fits in quite nicely with whatever current scenario is being played. For instance, if you’re on the Pirate levels, the music has a Caribbean sound whereas the outer space levels have more of an 'outer-spacey' sound about them. Overall, the sounds and music are cheery and upbeat and are not dull by any means. System Features SupportedOne player (you can play two-player alternating in Classic Mode), Memory Card (1 block), Shock compatible, and Analog compatible Bottom LineThe ESRB rating is right on with this one. This IS a game for everyone. It’s challenging, but not too hard.

It has responsive control, nice graphics and sound, and plenty of variety with general gameplay. If you’ve ever enjoyed any of the Pac-Man games in the past, you’ll probably appreciate what this game has to offer. This game will probably also appeal to those who like classic platform style games as this one plays a bit more like a 2D-platform game than most other platform games today even though it has the 3D element. Although the game may not be the most original thing out there (it IS based on a 20 year old game, after all), it definitely has original elements (such as the bosses) - much like what made the original Pac-Man so successful.

I was quite pleased all around and really found nothing to gripe about, which is why I’m happy to give this game a score of 89.

It has been twenty years since Pac-Man gobbled his way into the hearts of the Me Generation ( actually has opened up this gift a bit shy of his twentieth birthday, but who's counting?). In that time, there have been dozens of attempts to cash in on the Pac's popularity, but the half dozen sequels and knock-offs just didn't do the Roly-Poly One justice. Finally, just when it seemed that poor Pac was to be doomed to sharing compilation disc space with a handful of antediluvian derelicts, Namco has reinvented and reinvigorated their original leading man in Pac-Man World Twentieth Anniversary. Although the Pac's new birthday suit isn't quite as nice as the ones sported by 'Puff Daddy' Sonic or Mr. 'Guicci' Mario, this old man's party is still something to celebrate.GameplayPac-Man World has a storyline that is quite fitting for a videogame: somebody has kidnapped Pac's family, and he must go on a quest to rescue them. There's a bit more to it (a wanna-be Pac-Man cyborg has become jealous of Pac's fame and is looking to push him out of the spotlight), but there is nothing keeping you from just slapping the start button and running your way through the game.All of the anniversary hub-bub and standard-issue storyline set-up is quite simply just quick foundation for the platformer standing on top. The game is designed to be a game, a visual and visceral experience.

In this, the game is done right. After a short introductory level, the game brings you to a hub system to explore the rest of the game.

This hub design is being used quite a bit in games as of late, and with good reason - it invites gamers to explore the game over and over, and it draws attention to the fact that the title is much more about gameplay rather than a linear story. Pac-Man World's hub is engaging right off the bat, as there are already four levels open right when you get there (most games unlock each level as you progress), and they all have unique settings (including a Star Wars-like space stage) that show off just how big the game will become as you get closer to the evil Toc-Man's lair.Gameplay in Pac-Man World is more the cousin of 16-bit Super Mario World rather than Super Mario 64 (anybody catch the name similarities?). Although much of the game is polygonal, it feels like you are still playing a 2D game with some background effects. That's not a terrible thing, as the game is filled with all kinds of puzzles and plenty of action, but it's not quite as revolutionary as the 64-bit wonder. There are a lot of nooks and crannies to explore in each level, but they still run from point A to point B, and the only reason to backtrack is to get 100% on the stage.

Then again, if this type of gaming is good enough for Crash, it's certainly good enough for Pac-Man.What's so great about the game is that while just simple platformer action, it is really well done. Pac-Man doesn't have a lot of moves, but the ones he has are fitting for a character who is basically just a happy fun ball with arms. His butt-bounce is his most valuable weapon, as it doubles his jump, destroy most enemies (and collects bonus points when he collects combos on enemies), and also becomes his most important tool for puzzle-solving. Pac also can throw dots and turn into Chrome Pac, and he has a Sonic-style spin dash which also revs up the game's many floating platforms. Aside from that, he's on his own. There are items to collect, but most of them just impact your score. That's right, I said score.

One of the game's greatest charms is that you are constantly looking to not only collect a bunch of stuff, but also rack up a high score in the process. That's about as rare today as a roast turkey power-up, and it's high time that someone has brought scoring back.Also of note is that the game has several Pac-style mazes that you unlock as you progress. These stages are designed to be just like the original Pac-Man game, complete with Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clide in chase. Here, you cannot use your butt-bounce or any other platformer trick (which is odd, as the controls are suddenly changed), but the classic Pac attack gameplay is still fun. Better still, the unlocked stages open up on the main menu, and you can lay them any time you wish (and yes, the original Pac-Man arcade game is thrown in with all original graphics).GraphicsAgain, not so breathtaking compared to everything else out there, but still charming and colorful. Like the control, the stages look like an isometric 2D game (Sonic Spin Dash) except really good looking, for once.


The textures are crisp and clean, and only the sub-par lighting effects (such as torches that light up only specific triangles in the background or the dark tunnel areas that allow only about six inches of visibility) betray this enchanting world. There are a lot of sprites used in the game, but they are sharp and fit the style well.Pac-Man himself is just overflowing with charisma, and the rest of the characters are similarly well-rendered. Unfortunately, the ghosts of the game aren't quite given their due.

While they are constantly donning new suits that fit the stage they are in (space helmets, pirate outfits with eye patches), they just aren't given that much screen time considering that they were the only other stars of the original. The rest of the enemies of the game just don't rate compared to this goofy yet menacing ghost gang.It's just remarkable that this 3D game reminds so much of the original, which had about 8 colors to work with. Menu screens, the Weigh-In Machine, and the bold use of primary colors is 100% Eighties silliness at its best. Strangely, only the specially-designed mazes disappoint, as the highly-detailed texture maps and fluid animation is just no match for the simple yet elegant design of the primitive arcade game it emulates. No amount of detail can outweigh sheer creativity.SoundSound is similarly stylized, and it works perfectly. The sound effects are all bleeps and bloops, remixed and remastered for today's gamer.

The timeless wakka-wakka is back. It's all very bold and cartoony, but in a way that is clearly in the realm of videogaming legend. The music is also very good, as the tracks are all variations on the Pac-Man theme (some are quite clever, especially the mystery theme).

The only issue here is that the music sounds somewhat low-res and muted, like it was compressed to fit the PlayStation's limited memory. When the tracks are this good, they deserve better treatment. 7.5 Presentation An 80's flair that proves just how creative designers were back then. 7 Graphics Not breathtaking, but with a unique style that captures all of the flavor of the original. 8.5 Sound Innovative then, enthralling now.

Pac Man World On Youtube

It will capture any game lover's heart. 7.5 Gameplay Not too complicated or inventive, but still with plenty of depth to explore. 8 Lasting Appeal Great to pick up and play. Maze mode and the classic original perfect for a quick Pac fix.

Pac Man World Rom

Also a collector's piece, with cameos by other classic Namco stars.